Sunday, October 08, 2006


The sunset and the rise,
An epitome of my balmy presence,
What course my action foretells,
Bears, tells on your existence,

Esoteric is it to your knowing?
That what you would reap,
Will always be what you sow…
Pile your errors in a row.

Dark and consuming, the wind blows,
Bellowing, an air of contusions flow.

My wrath might enervate your strength,
May even deter faith, my friends,
Though what your fate holds, I do not know,

Oh wait! Friends or foes?
Who art thou?
Choices you made which one right now?

But who am I, to question time,
It’s his domain and she knows all,
Engender some humility in character, you!
Or else she foresees your fall.


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