Tuesday, October 24, 2006


White clouds in sky blue,
Birds glide the air through,
No price for freedom, no thoroughfare,
A declaration of independence,
Love-lost for the hearts bear….

Faces in the foamy whites,
Shades painted grey, masked
I saw you in the shades
Black magic is this that cupid hath cast….

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Somewhere I hear a phone ringing
In emptiness the sounds blare
Surrounded by the equities of boredom
Alone, the heart lies bare…

Given to smoke and ashes
From the burning of a cylinder
Longing for a meaning
Surrender to the madness under

Brace myself from the edge
Come undone in fires raging
Anger & tyranny of this daily life
A shot in the dark by a stranger
Unknown remain the hands that strangle
Demons become the devil’s sender….

Sunday, October 08, 2006


The burn felt like fire, the wind felt like a breeze,
What is it like? This is love they say,
Is this love for country or your lover?
People we need an explanation please.

Sore eyes lead my way,
Amidst a lane lit dim today,
Should I write a love song?
Or pledge allegiance to my country,
For all the wrongs I witnessed today?

What folly of fools they bring?
Am I not one of them today?
Am I losing my way in dire need for infidelity someway?

The sunset and the rise,
An epitome of my balmy presence,
What course my action foretells,
Bears, tells on your existence,

Esoteric is it to your knowing?
That what you would reap,
Will always be what you sow…
Pile your errors in a row.

Dark and consuming, the wind blows,
Bellowing, an air of contusions flow.

My wrath might enervate your strength,
May even deter faith, my friends,
Though what your fate holds, I do not know,

Oh wait! Friends or foes?
Who art thou?
Choices you made which one right now?

But who am I, to question time,
It’s his domain and she knows all,
Engender some humility in character, you!
Or else she foresees your fall.