Friday, March 02, 2007



Recently I have become quite an avid admirer of a show called “HEROES”.
I’m quite certain that I can vouch to have a number of fellow fans worldwide, because the show has definitely captivated many of us. I can be termed a geek for the overtly enthusiastic views I present to most who converse me on this topic of “HEROES”, but hey, I am not the only one!!!
“Evolution is sometimes a violent process”……. That’s some like what “Dr.” Mohinder Suresh quips at the end of an episode. Definitely so….. Darwin has time and again been proved right. But where this show begins is where Darwin could never dream of and naturally so. Why? Because human flight, radiation guy, indestructible girl, mind reader, time bender or even Houdini……these were never Darwin’s guesses of human evolutionary potential. Heck! They weren’t even considered by evolutionary biologists such as Richard Dawkins! Why? Because it’s PREPOSTEROUS!!!
Now I might be a fan of the show and many more superheroes but…damn! A guy can’t fly……..or can he……..let me try and surmise…..!!



The genetic code of every organism on this planet holds immense potential. Such potential is basically to almost converse with the organism’s environment, so to say. What with such constant rigors of climate change…..mutation in the genetic structure becomes almost inevitable. But not all mutations are allowed to persist in nature. This is close to what Darwin meant by “survival of the fittest”. In time, a mutation will also encumber man and no by this mutation I do not mean cancer. More like a rigorous and fundamental change in the genome. Every organism on the planet adapts to its environment, maybe man has too, and one just needs to be more discerning.
But come on…..change is inevitable yes…..but “Human Flight Potential”….
Well…lets see then…..
To escape the earth’s STRONG gravitational pull….you need something like the birds have..... pneumatic apparatus, hollow bones and a spindle shaped body.
Now can a MAN…have hollow bones…..that would be quite damaging….NO…
But it is imperative that he has some sort pneumatic apparatus and thrust….
Hollow bones is a negative trait for humans….it would be stamped out the moment it manifested. Then again, a thrust or propeller where can that come from? It just escapes my mind; a jump can garner enough momentum to permit few seconds of freedom (so to say) from the earth. But for hours of float and actually flying in the air is just too much of bending of laws of physics. Hence, the plain answer from my side is NO! No flying for you Mr. Pitrelli….!!

But what about tissue regeneration…..Claire Bennett goes where man a superhero has gone before!! Any guesses….??
IS it possible for a human to be indestructible, can the human genome be even manipulated for such a myth to be true…?? Hey …. Even Space Flight was a myth many a year ago….So....any takers for the HEALER???

To be continued……



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